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Dr. Who?

17 April 2005 - 3:32pm -- Joseph

I was never a particular fan of Dr. Who as a kid, probably because there wasn't enough action and the effects were rubbish (these thing matter to kids). Also it was too creepy (the Doctors as much as the baddies - Tom Baker was my first doctor.)

nonetheless, I was quite interested to see the new Dr. Who, to see what they'd do with it, and to See What Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper (good old Swindon girl) got on.

In terms of the production, I think they've done well to update the effects without overdoing it. Billie does a pretty good job, but it's no suprise to find that Christopher Eccleston steals the show.

The new Doctor is great entertainment, played with such energy and cheek. I suppose purists could complain that the Doctor's not really meant to be that hapless (or is he? My memories of Dr. Who's of old is limited - I think I'm still trying to block out colin Baker... )

I guess everyone's been allowed a little creative license with their Doctor... I've enjoyed the result. Dr. Who has now been given it's own weekly setting on our video. There is no higher accolade than that for a program in our house. It's also not usually bestowed on programs other than those broadcast on channel 4 at 10 on week nights, so something of a coup for the BBC there I think...

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